Andeetako ahots eta arbasoen jakintzetara itzul gaitezen, elkarrizketaren metodologia erabiliz: aurrerapausoak eta erronkak

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This paper describes the philosophy and methodology of the Voces y Saberes Ancestrales de los
Andes [Voices and Knowledge of the Andes] project, run in different Ecuadorian rural communities that consider themselves Quechua, even if they do not speak the language. The project was carried out in three communities in the parish of Pintag, in Pichincha province, 35 km from the capital city Quito, and shows step by step the process of rediscovering various medicinal plants from the area and the local population’s curative practices. Dialogue and an interdisciplinary approach were particularly important in this research process. To understand the methodological approach of this study, it begins by describing a range of re-search work carried out previously. It then outlines the process of documentation and revival, emphasising the successes attained in some of the challenges faced along the way, which may be considered long-term achievements for community initiatives.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)31-55
Number of pages25
JournalSoziolinguistika Aldizkaria
StatePublished - 2023


  • Ecuador
  • linguistic and cultural revival
  • grassroots community research
  • methodology for dialogue
  • interdisciplinary approach
  • active documentation
  • revival

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